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Sunday, December 19, 2010

2nd & 3rd - GENERATION COMPUTER (1955 - 1965 - 1974)

Second Generation: Transistors and Batch System (1955 - 1965)

          Second generation computers used transistors as CPU components and ferrite cores for main memory and magnetic disk drum/tapes as secondary memory.

  • Some  high  level  languages  introduced  in  this  generation  are  FORTRAN,  ALGOL, BASIC and COBOL.
  • Transistors increased the processing power of computer and decreased the size, cost and power usage as well. Thus, vacuum tubes computers were obsolete.
  • Some  of  the  computers  in  this  generation  are  TX-0  (Transistorized  experimental Computer),  TX-2,  NEAC   1101  (from  NEC),  PDP   series  computers  from  Digital
  • Company, IBM series computers such as IBM 709, IBM 1400 series etc               CDC (Control  Data  Corporation)  built fast computers called supercomputers  -  CDC 6600. 

Third Generation: Integrated Circuits and Multiprogramming (1965 - 1980)

The invention of silicon ICs (Integrated Circuits) allowed dozens of transistors to be put on a single chip. They used magnetic disks as memory devices but later they were replaced by semiconductor memories. Some of the major achievements are:

  • Multiprogramming was introduced.
  • The computers were more powerful and smaller than previous generations.
  • OSes like UNIX OS, system /360 OS, IBM MVS, BSD was developed.
  • Some of the programming languages built in this generation are: ada, PASCAL, BCPL,
  • SHRDLU, FORTRAN 66 and 77, SEQUEL (nowadays SQL)
  • Intel introduced its microprocessors - Intel 4004, Intel 8080, 8086, 8088.
  • Examples  of  third  generation  of  computer are  Apple  computers,  CDC's  Cyber-  175 and PDC series, STAR 1100 etc.


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